Register Confidentially

Even though our system is 100% confidential and accessible to recruiters in our network only(employers do NOT have access), there are some circumstances in which candidates may want to register anonymously.

Here are some helpful tips for registering anonymously:

  • If you are parsing your resume, remove any information you do not want disclosed BEFORE you parse the resume
  • To not disclose your first name and last name, in the text field please replace your first name and last name with the text: "Not Disclosed".
  • To not disclose your street address and home phone number, in the text field please replace your street address and home phone number with the text: "Not Disclosed". You must include your current city, state and zip of residence and an e-mail address.
  • If you are copying and pasting in the text of your resume (rather than parsing), replace the name of your current employer (and any other identifying information, such as your street address or phone number) with the text: "Not Disclosed."
  • Be sure to include an e-mail address that does NOT reveal your identity. For instance, the e-mail address DOES reveal your identity while DOES NOT.

Remember, our database is available ONLY to the recruiters participating as members in our network. Candidate information is not available to employers (like yours!). We respect your need for confidentiality and make every effort to care for your concerns.

Ready to Register? Click Here!






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